About this comic

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Hi! As the title says, this is the journal I kept while traveling the US with my boyfriend Glenn Lazo. The trip lasted 3 weeks, through July 17th and August 9th 2013. Since we are both animators, our trip mainly focused on our experiencies in animation and comics related events. It probably also includes a fair dose of the following: Fear of the future, career uncertainity, conversations with awesome artists, being fanboys, unexpected turn of events, reflexing about being a women in the industry, going crazy buying books and late night conversations with your significant other.

Our stops included:

July 18th to 21th: San Diego (For Trickst3er and spoilers!: Comicon)
July 22th to 24th: Anaheim (For Siggraph)
July 25th to 29th: Los Angeles (Just because)
July 30th to  August 8th: San Francisco (For Animation Mentor graduation)

Hope you enjoy it!

About the author

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Hi! My name is Fernanda Frick and I’m an animator, illustrator and cartoonist from Santiago, Chile. I’ve called myself an animator since I was 13 years old and animated terrible Flash cartoons, but officially earned the title after years of experimenting, trials and errors and well, graduating from the Character animation program at Animation Mentor in 2013. My love for animation spreaded towards other areas like illustration and comics, always having in mind the goal of creating memorable characters, nice atmospheres and hopefully conecting with the audience.

This travelogue is the first comic I’ll be serializing online!

You can watch my short films and read previous comics at:
